
  FINAL THOUGHTS It’s been a steep learning curve for me, those 12 weeks or so, both in terms knowledge acquisition, digital literacy, and group-work skills. At times I felt like a student, which was a refreshing experience after all the years after graduation. One of the most interesting insights from the course is the notion of visitors and residents put forward by David White. With its continuum aspect it makes so much sense than the Prensky’s metaphor of Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants. As far as our PBL04’s group work goes, I really appreciated smooth cooperation, and the way we were able to deliver all the projects in time, still making sure they were of top quality and aesthetically pleasing. The course was very time-consuming, so having a free weekend after submitting the project on Friday gave us a nice break before receiving a new assignment on Monday. In terms of the course take-aways I found this distinction between a community and a network very eye-openin
  REFLECTION ON TOPIC 4 Our first PBL group meeting for Topic 4 was cancelled so I had a chance to take part in the Blog Writing webinar instead, which turned out to be a very intimate meeting with 2 participants (including myself) and John Weston. We got tons of tips and suggestions on how to approach blogging. It turned out my approach is quite unorthodox, as I seem to treat my blog posts as a mix of journaling and note taking focused on some of the most important events I take part during the ONL journey. So the idea is to make it a bit more personal. Let’s give it a try then. J I enjoyed the webinar with dr Robin Kay, which I found very practical, with tons of ideas for warm-up, video creation, assessment, useful technology tools, etc. I liked the polling tool that was used during the webinar, Straw Poll, and I am definitely going to use it in the future in the context of blended teaching. When reading the recommended literature, I came across a definition of blended learni
  Moving education online, as it was the case with emergency remote teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, leaves you using only two senses, which clearly limits the teaching/learning experience, making it challenging for everyone involved. Now, in the post-pandemic world there is this added emphasis on the implementation of the hybrid teaching/learning, which blends online and face-to-face aspects of education. It comes with some significant administrative advantages (access, retention, campus space, teaching resources). But there are also some major challenges, and the most important of them (from the teacher’s perspective) is developing pedagogy to meet the needs of the new channels. During online teaching a lecturer is challenged by the silence from the audience during their attempts to activate the audience. You are tempted to fill it, most importantly because of no indication whether the participants are thinking about the best way to react or fail to understand the questio
  The 2 weeks when we were working on Topic 2 were extremely busy so I found it challenging to participate in all the ONL and PBL activities. I will definitely need to catch up with some of the reading and watching in the future. I loved the video „Creative Commons licenses explained”. It was very helpful, with clear points, simple breakdown, and great drawings to help understand all the nuances. Open learning means freedom (free access), inclusion and accessibility because access to knowledge is no longer limited by budget or location. It also gives you freedom to learn whatever you are interested in. It also involves putting the learner’s needs first, and making yourself vulnerable, stepping out of your comfort zone a bit. Personally, I don’t have much experience sharing my own educational resources publicly. In the future I will certainly try to change it. Continuing writing the blog definitely seems to be a great first step, allowing me to share my thoughts on the education
    REFLECTION ON TOPIC 1: ONLINE PARTICIPATION AND DIGITAL LITERACIES After having watched the videos and participating in the webinar I have enjoyed both videos and the webinar from David White. I was familiar with the Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives metaphor put forward by Mark Prensky but I have always believed its application is limited and that age is not the only or not even predominant factor to be taken into consideration in the context of digital literacy skills. The notion of visitors and residents resonates way better with me due to its continuum aspect and the potential for its easy practical application. It was also an interesting voice in the discussion on the legitimacy of online resources. On the one hand, their agility and convenience are obviously an asset, but the other hand, the role of clickability in their dissemination might question their credibility. “Likes” do seem to be a new type of currency. In the academia online resources continue to be frow