It’s been a steep learning curve for me, those 12 weeks or so, both in terms knowledge acquisition, digital literacy, and group-work skills. At times I felt like a student, which was a refreshing experience after all the years after graduation.

One of the most interesting insights from the course is the notion of visitors and residents put forward by David White. With its continuum aspect it makes so much sense than the Prensky’s metaphor of Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants.

As far as our PBL04’s group work goes, I really appreciated smooth cooperation, and the way we were able to deliver all the projects in time, still making sure they were of top quality and aesthetically pleasing. The course was very time-consuming, so having a free weekend after submitting the project on Friday gave us a nice break before receiving a new assignment on Monday.

In terms of the course take-aways I found this distinction between a community and a network very eye-opening and it made me reflect, in which contexts in different areas of my professional life I am a community member and in which only a member of a network. Additionally, all the amazing tools we used during the course: Mysimpleshow (loved our introductory video!), Miro Board, Canva, Padlet, etc. Plus, all the inspirations for the tools to be used for blended learning. Switching between all the different tools felt like stepping out of my comfort zone and felt overwhelming at first. Even more so, recording a voiceover and videos for the Canva presentations was definitely a challenge for me.

Blogging as part of the course participation requirements felt especially challenging at the beginning, but now, when I am reading my previous posts, as well as the posts of the fellow participants, it is interesting to read the accounts on the same journey from different perspectives. I consider keeping the blog, and sharing my thoughts on my educational journey from time to time.

I am happy I managed to complete the course. It certainly was challenging, with all the things happening in my private and professional during those weeks. It definitely wouldn’t have been possible, had it not been for the supportive environment created by all the PBL04 group members and facilitators. 

Thank you, ALL!


  1. Dear Anna, thank you for your thoughts, sincere highlighting the challenges you have faced and the insights you have got. I am happy to accompany you on your learning journey and hope to read you more and more. Let's live and learn together.


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