The 2 weeks when we were working on Topic 2 were extremely busy so I found it challenging to participate in all the ONL and PBL activities. I will definitely need to catch up with some of the reading and watching in the future.

I loved the video „Creative Commons licenses explained”. It was very helpful, with clear points, simple breakdown, and great drawings to help understand all the nuances.

Open learning means freedom (free access), inclusion and accessibility because access to knowledge is no longer limited by budget or location. It also gives you freedom to learn whatever you are interested in. It also involves putting the learner’s needs first, and making yourself vulnerable, stepping out of your comfort zone a bit.

Personally, I don’t have much experience sharing my own educational resources publicly. In the future I will certainly try to change it. Continuing writing the blog definitely seems to be a great first step, allowing me to share my thoughts on the educational projects I take part in. Thanks to the newly gained insight into Creative Commons licensing, I will be able to do it more confidently and legally.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend the webinar with Maha Bali, but I watched it and enjoyed it immensely. It was incredibly informative and inspirational, and she is such a great speaker, able to connect and engage with the audience during her presentation.

During the work within my PBL group, I focused on the institutional perspective, which was challenging and informative at the same time, given I am just a university teacher, and I am not involved in the university work at institutional level. Recording the video with the voice-over was definitely challenging, but I think the end-product of the whole group’s effort is really impressive. It was my first try with Canva, and I will certainly use the app in the future.


  1. Thanks for your reflektion. Consider having a look at Marta Nussbaums ideas about capabilities. It tunes in well to the ambitions of making learning meaningful and accessible. Check it out:


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